首页 > 产品中心 > 抗体 > 二抗 > Peroxidase-Streptavidin



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  • 厂商性质:代理商
  • 更新时间:2022-07-20
  • 访  问  量:551


耦联标记 Horseradish Peroxidase
Horseradish peroxidase (HRP) conjugates are prepared by a modified Nakane and Kawaoi procedure (J. Histochem. Cytochem. 1974. 22, 1084). Peroxidase conjugates are commonly used for immunohistochemistry, Western blotting, and ELISA. Affinity-purified anti-horseradish peroxidase and conjugates are available for detection of horseradish peroxidase antigen or for signal amplification of HRP-containing reagents. For immunostaining of mammalian cells, an advantage of using anti-horseradish peroxidase is reduced background, since the antibody does not recognize the endogenous peroxidase-like enzymes found in those cells.
宿主 Streptavidin
商品描述 Steptavidin, a bacterial protein isolated from Streptomyces avidinii, is similar to egg-white avidin in its ability to bind biotin, and has been used as a replacement for egg-white avidin because of its more favorable chemical properties.
Conjugates of streptavidin are recommended for use with Biotin-SP-conjugated antibodies and Biotin-SP-conjugated ChromPure proteins.
背景 Streptavidin, a bacterial protein isolated from Streptomyces avidinii, is similar to egg-white avidin in its ability to bind biotin, and has been used as a replacement for egg-white avidin because of its more favorable chemical properties.
Conjugates of streptavidin are recommended for use with Biotin-SP-conjugated antibodies and Biotin-SP-conjugated ChromPure proteins.
研究资源识别码 AB_2337238



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